Massage Therapy Archives - Discover Massage Australia Your Pathway to Massage Excellence Mon, 11 Apr 2022 00:16:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Massage Therapy Archives - Discover Massage Australia 32 32 Remedial Massage: The Complete Guide Mon, 11 Apr 2022 00:08:28 +0000 The post Remedial Massage: The Complete Guide appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.


From easing muscle soreness to improving posture and relaxation, massage therapy can be used to treat a range of physical and psychological conditions.

There are several different types of massage; each one carrying its own unique benefits. Remedial massage is one of them.

The following guide aims to teach you the fundamentals of remedial massage, what’s involved in remedial massage and how remedial massage differs from other massage types. It will also touch on the importance of remedial massage, who can benefit from remedial massage and how to become qualified in remedial massage therapy.


Understanding the basics of remedial massage


Remedial massage is often used for the prevention and management of injuries. It can also be an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety. Read on to find out what remedial massage is and how it differs from other massage types.


What is remedial massage?

Remedial massage is a hands-on massage modality that incorporates many different massage techniques to treat and prevent pain and injury. Specific techniques used include deep tissue release, trigger point therapy, myofascial release and joint mobilisation.

Remedial massage targets musculoskeletal imbalances or chronic/acute pain. Treatment is used to identify and repair any damaged areas in the body including inflamed, tense, knotted or immobile tendons and joints. Remedial massage is often used to treat soft tissue injuries, but can also be an effective treatment for nerve compression, arthritis, delayed onset muscles soreness (DOMS) and neck and back pain.

What is involved in remedial massage?

Remedial massage aims to have the client feeling better and to notice marked improvements in their pain and mobility. To achieve this, a remedial massage therapist will begin by assessing the client and understanding their needs. This initial assessment will often include looking at a client’s posture, flexibility and muscle strength to identify any possible underlying causes of pain.

Next, a treatment plan is drawn up. This treatment plan is uniquely tailored to the client and will incorporate different remedial massage techniques. Depending on the client, these techniques can include:

  1. Deep tissue massage
  2. Trigger point therapy
  3. Dry needling therapy
  4. Myofascial release or cupping
  5. Muscle Energy Techniques (MET) involving assisted stretching
  6. Joint mobilisation
  7. Manual lymphatic drainage

Each of these techniques offers different benefits as well as sensations to the body. Clients can expect to feel some firm pressure that may produce mild discomfort depending on their pain tolerance. However, remedial massage is designed to release pain and, therefore, clients should never expect any type of long or excruciating pain during their session.

After the session, the client will be given an at-home treatment plan to practise in between massage sessions.


Difference between remedial massage and deep tissue massage?

Remedial massage and deep tissue massage often go hand in hand, especially in the treatment of sports injuries and recovery. While remedial massage uses deep tissue techniques, the two are their own separate modality.

Remedial massage focuses on treating a specific area or injury caused by muscle tension, postural imbalance or soft tissue injury. As such, remedial massage is a more targeted treatment for pain. It combines deep pressure and trigger point therapy to put pressure on the deep muscles in order to alleviate pain, while joint mobilisation techniques are used to improve joint flexibility and range of motion.

Deep tissue massage is used for generalised muscle soreness, tension or pain. It uses very firm pressure in the form of lengthening and cross friction massage to get to the deeper muscles, tendons and surrounding connective tissues. Deep tissue massage is particularly good for removing scar tissue and is therefore often used for treating common injuries sustained by athletes and active clients who are prone to sporting injuries or muscle overuse.


What’s the difference between myotherapy and remedial massage?

Remedial massage and myotherapy can often be confused for the same thing. They both treat a range of non-specific muscle pain and work to improve joint function and mobility. However, there are some differences between the two.

Remedial massage is commonly used to treat muscular injuries or pain that may also contribute to poor joint function. Remedial massage can be a great way to treat the symptoms of musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction caused by these damaged muscles or tendons.

Myotherapy treats both the immediate symptoms and underlying cause of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction, aiming to correct any postural imbalances that are causing pain. Myotherapists will assess each joint in the body to identify dysfunction and then use trigger point therapy and other techniques to treat the client.


How does remedial massage complement other massage types?

Remedial massage takes a holistic approach to ease pain, prevent injuries and improve the body’s recovery. It uses a combination of massage techniques which can be soft and gentle or deep and rhythmic, depending on the client’s needs. Each massage type complements the other, forming a fully integrated treatment that works in providing relief and improving joint mobility and muscle function.

Remedial massage is a unique modality that can be used as a standalone treatment or in combination with other massage therapy practices to provide a client with the benefits they need.


Importance of remedial massage


Aside from pain relief and improved joint mobility, remedial massage plays an important role in healing and facilitating the body’s core functions. In fact, remedial massage can have profound positive effects on the immune system, blood circulation and sleep regulation.

Let’s define the key benefits of remedial massage and who can most benefit from regular remedial massage therapy.


What is remedial massage good for?

Remedial massage is effective in treating a range of physical conditions and ailments, including:

  1. Muscle pain, tension and tightness
  2. Neck pain
  3. Back pain
  4. Whiplash
  5. Scoliosis
  6. Jaw pain and tightness
  7. Frozen shoulder
  8. Arthritis
  9. Sciatica
  10. Tennis elbow
  11. Plantar fasciitis
  12. Muscle cramps and spasms
  13. DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)
  14. Stress and anxiety
  15. Joint pain and tightness

Remedial massage can also be used to help:

  1. Improve muscle recovery
  2. Repair scar tissue
  3. Prevent muscular atrophy
  4. Assist in lymphatic drainage
  5. Back pain and tenderness related to pregnancy

Many clients seek remedial massage therapy to address either one or a mix of the above symptoms and conditions, as well as a form of relaxation to assist with stress and mental tension.


Benefits of remedial massage

Besides treating the above conditions, remedial massage provides additional mental and physical benefits, including:

Improved blood circulation

Remedial massage encourages healthy blood flow, helping to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the muscles and speeding up the body’s healing process.

Boost immunity

Pain in the body can lead to an increase in stress that puts the body’s nervous system into overdrive. Remedial massage allows the immune system to function optimally by increasing circulation, improving lymphatic drainage and encouraging the healthy production of mood-boosting and disease-fighting hormones.

Enhanced mental alertness

After a remedial massage, clients often feel more alert and clear-minded. This clarity occurs as a result of the relaxation and relief remedial massage provides both the body and mind.


How often should you be getting a remedial massage?

One of the most common questions massage therapists hear is how often should I get a remedial massage?

This can be a difficult question to answer as it largely depends on the client. For example, clients that are highly active, prone to injury or are dealing with chronic pain may benefit from multiple remedial massage sessions. Whereas, clients who present with an acute injury like whiplash or a back injury from lifting a heavy object may do well with just one or two sessions followed by an at-home treatment plan.

Regardless of your symptoms, remember – there is no such thing as too much when it comes to massage! However, it’s best to first consult with a qualified remedial massage therapist who can then perform an assessment and provide you with a tailored treatment plan.


Can you have a remedial massage when pregnant?

It can be confusing for expectant mothers when it comes to navigating what treatments are safe for both themselves and their babies. Luckily, there are many benefits of getting a massage when pregnant.

Massage during pregnancy can help relieve muscle pain including back pain and sciatica. It is also a great way to relieve stress and anxiety as well as reduce swelling in the arms and legs.

Remedial massage is considered safe during pregnancy, so long as it’s performed by a qualified massage therapist. If you are considering getting a massage while pregnant, always consult with your doctor first.


How to become a remedial massage therapist


Whether you’re an existing massage therapist wanting to learn remedial massage or you’re considering starting a career as a massage therapist, the following section will help guide you on the steps you should take.


What skills do you need to be a massage therapist?

There are a lot of different skills that will help you to become a successful massage therapist. Massage therapists have a unique role since they perform both manual tasks along with front-facing customer service skills such as booking appointments and handling money. For that reason, a successful massage therapist must have a combination of hard and soft skills including the following:

Communication skills

Massage therapists deal with people from all walks of life. The job typically involves communicating with people and having to demonstrate active listening skills. You will need to be clear and concise so that clients understand what you are saying. Part of communication is knowing how to interact with people and understanding body language so that you can accommodate a client and have them feel comfortable with you and their session.

Time management

As a massage therapist, it’s important to know how to manage your time so that you are giving every client the time and care they need.

Physical fitness

You will need to have a degree of stamina and dexterity to comfortably perform in your role as a massage therapist. You will be working a lot with your hands and arms so it’s important to regularly exercise and incorporate a stretching/recovery routine so that you are at your physical best.

Business savvy

A massage therapist relies on clients to maintain their business. In order to do this, you need to have some sense of business know-how. For example, being able to market via social media, produce advertising campaigns and network with other industry professionals is useful in order to build and grow your business.


What qualifications do you need to be a massage therapist in Australia?

A great starting point is a Certificate in Whole Body Massage. This course is fully approved nationally, comprehensive and gives students the fundamental skills and knowledge when starting massage therapy. No experience is needed and after completing Discover Massage’s weekend course, you can start working as a massage therapist immediately.

This course is also available for remote students wanting to begin their career in the industry through Discover Massage’s Whole Body massage Course Online. Providing live feedback, coaching and online support throughout, you can also begin your career as a massage therapist here.

Once having completed the Certificate in Whole Body Massage, the CIV in Massage Therapy Practice and the HLT52015 Diploma in Remedial Massage are the next steps. These courses are for advanced students that want to upskill and specialise in remedial massage. However, if you are new to the industry, completing the Certificate in Whole Body first is highly recommended, allowing you to start earning an income as a massage therapist whilst completing further training and education.


How do you get certified as a massage therapist?

In order to treat clients safely and effectively, you need to become a certified massage therapist.

To gain certification as a massage therapist, you need to complete a course in massage therapy and meet all the requirements set out in that course. From there, you will have to become a member of an association such as the Massage Association of Australia or the International Institute for Complementary Therapists so that you can obtain your Professional Indemnity Insurance which will protect you, your business and your clients.

If you wish to start your own massage business you will need to register your business with an ABN.

It’s important to remember that a career as a massage therapist requires ongoing learning. In order to stay up to date with industry trends and be comfortable performing a range of massage modalities, you need to be open to upskilling and retraining throughout your career.


Do you need to be strong to be a massage therapist?

While massage therapy is an active job, there’s a common misconception that you need to be physically strong to be a massage therapist. While it does help to be physically fit and have strong hands, it is not a requirement.

One of the more difficult aspects of this job is the manual repetitiveness which can lead to physical exertion and exhaustion. To combat this, strength training for massage therapists can help prevent pain from overuse and keep your body in top shape so that you can deliver your treatments more effectively.


Start your remedial massage career today


Remedial massage forms a vital part of a client’s pain treatment and recovery process. Intended as a targeted treatment for pain and injury, a remedial massage therapist draws on different massage types to help relieve pain and prevent further injury.

For anyone interested in becoming a remedial massage therapist, it pays to look into a remedial massage course. With an industry-recognised qualification, you can work as a remedial massage therapist or start your own massage business in Australia.

Discover Massage Australia provides industry-recognised massage courses including a Diploma in Remedial Massage to help you kickstart your career as a remedial massage therapist.

The post Remedial Massage: The Complete Guide appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.

Why Massage Therapy Is An Essential Part of Physical Therapy Wed, 02 Feb 2022 21:39:03 +0000 The post Why Massage Therapy Is An Essential Part of Physical Therapy appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.


For clients coming back from an injury, a combination of massage and physical therapy may be required.

Integrating massage with physical therapy can optimise treatment and fast-track rehabilitation. Both manual therapies work to reduce pain & inflammation and improve mobility and muscle function. Massage can also be a useful add-on to physical therapy as a way to manage the stress that comes with chronic pain or injury.

When combined together, both massage therapy and physical therapy can serve as holistic comprehensive treatment delivering a range of short-term and long-term benefits.

What is physical therapy?

Physical therapy, also known as physiotherapy, restores and promotes muscle and joint health to help clients move better and with less pain.

Physical therapy is carried out by a physical therapist. These allied health professionals use physical manipulation to:

  • • Relieve pain
  • • Improve mobility and joint function
  • • Improve balance and coordination
  • • Prevent injury recurrence
  • • Manage pain from chronic illnesses such as diabetes, arthritis  and heart disease
  • • Restore bladder and pelvic health & function
  • • Prevent and recover from a sports injury


Apart from manual manipulation, physical therapy treatment may also include supplementary treatments including electrical stimulation for nerve pain and muscular engagement, light therapy, hot & cold therapy and hydrotherapy.

Difference between physical therapy and massage therapy

Both physical therapy and massage therapy are similar in the fact they both use manual manipulation to treat inflammation in the body. However, where massage therapy targets the body’s soft tissues, tendons, muscles and fascia, physical therapy focuses on the entire musculoskeletal system.

Another point of difference between physical therapy and massage therapy is that the former is typically used for specific conditions that require rehabilitation. While massage therapy can also be used to help treat an injury, it is favoured as a type of maintenance therapy that can be used alongside physical therapy for optimum results.

The benefits and importance of massage therapy included in physical therapy

Improve flexibility and range of motion

How flexible you are will depend on the ability of your soft tissues (the muscles, tendons and connective tissues). If these areas are tight or inflamed, then you may have difficulty bending down, reaching for things, throwing a ball or getting a full range of motion when weightlifting.

Flexibility and range of motion go hand in hand. Typically, poor joint function or injury in the muscles supporting the joint can prohibit mobility.

Physical therapy and massage therapy can be used together to boost flexibility by stretching and relaxing the muscle fibres.

Improve posture

Massage can do a lot for your posture as it helps bring your body back to its proper alignment. Modern lifestyle habits such as texting, working at a computer or sitting for prolonged periods can lead to muscles that are either overworked or weak. This can result in poor posture, demonstrating as:

  • • Slouched, hunched shoulders
  • • Swayback
  • • Head tipped forward
  • • Pelvic tilt


Poor posture can result in a number of health issues including headaches, neck, shoulder and back pain, and an unsteady gait when walking or running. Both massage therapy and physical therapy can be used to manipulate hyperactive or underworked muscles to get the body back into alignment.

Reduce scar tissue

When you’re injured, the body forms scar tissue around the injury. These adhesions can cause pain, restricted movement and a feeling of prolonged tightness, itching or swelling. If not treated, injury recurrence may occur, which can delay recovery for a very long time.

Both a massage therapist and a physical therapist can target and break up adhesions using different tools and techniques. With regular treatment, scar tissue can clear up resulting in greater mobility and reduced pain.

Improve circulation

The better your circulation, the better your muscles will recover. That’s because healthy circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients to the muscles to help with stiffness and tension.

A combination of massage therapy and physical therapy will improve circulation considerably. Massage helps to move blood through congested areas giving them the oxygen-rich blood they need to heal.

Muscle relaxation

One of the greatest benefits of massage therapy is muscle relaxation. To an athlete or someone recovering from injury, this can be advantageous to their physical and mental recovery.

Suffering from constant muscle pain and tension whether through exercise or an injury can be detrimental to a person’s physical and mental health. Muscle relaxation through massage can support physical therapy treatment by helping these overworked muscles to switch off and relax.

Massage therapy techniques to include

Trigger point release

Massage therapists can use trigger point therapy to release painful tension and knots in the muscles and fascia.

This form of myofascial release can help to properly align the fascia surrounding the muscles, bringing relief to tight and sore trigger points in the body. Trigger point release can be applied in areas such as the elbow, pelvic floor, shoulder and lower back.

Massage therapists will use their thumb, elbow, palm or a prop to target these trigger points by applying pressure to them.

Soft tissue massage

The soft tissues include all muscles, tendons, skin and fibrous tissue in the body. Soft tissue massage, therefore, works at restoring flexibility and looseness to tight, stretched, overworked muscles.

Soft tissue massage involves a range of depths, pressures and durations to achieve this, and is helpful in those presenting with muscle soreness, headaches, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, tension, poor posture and arthritis.

Active release technique

Massage therapists may apply active release technique (ART) to help break up scar tissue and inflammation in the body.

Active release is helpful in treating a range of soft tissue injuries along with referred pain from these injuries. Much like deep tissue massage, ART can be used to treat pain and other symptoms caused by soft tissue injuries.

Myofascial release

Myofascial release is a manual massage technique to relieve fascia tension.

The fascia is the layer of tissue connecting the spine and muscles. When fascia is tense, in cases like myofascial pain syndrome, muscles can be restricted, restricting movement and chronic pain can occur as a result.

Myofascial release works by applying gentle, prolonged pressure on the sore muscles. Manual pressure and manipulation are applied to stretch any ridged areas until the tension is fully released.

While many people will benefit from a standalone massage or physical therapy treatment regime, combining both treatments can help them to recover better and faster.


Massage therapy combined with physical therapy will ensure client’s are getting access to a whole host of techniques and treatments to regain strength, relieve pain and gain more functional movement.

Discover Massage Australia provides industry-recognised courses covering vital massage techniques so that you can help clients fast track their physical therapy and recovery.

The post Why Massage Therapy Is An Essential Part of Physical Therapy appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.

How Do Massage Therapists Prevent Burnout Thu, 27 Jan 2022 05:56:42 +0000 The post How Do Massage Therapists Prevent Burnout appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.


Massage therapists give so much of themselves to their clients, that they often forget to look after themselves.

As a massage therapist, you are spending a good amount of time on your feet and using a lot of physical exertion. On a particularly busy day, you may be seeing so many clients that finding time for a quick break may be impossible!

If you’re tired, sore, lacking motivation and are feeling more stressed than blessed at work, then you’re probably suffering from massage therapist burnout.

Here are some helpful ways you can prevent burnout as a massage therapist so that it doesn’t interfere with your work and wellbeing:

Burning out

The term “burnout” was coined to describe the consequences of high stress. Prolonged, stress can ignite into a fiery inferno before exhausting itself.

Burnout can be perpetuated by the following factors:

  1. A busy schedule
  2. Lack of resources needed to do your work efficiently
  3. Unclear job expectations
  4. Unhealthy workplace dynamics
  5. Monotonous activity
  6. Lack of social support
  7. Lack of work-life balance


Unfortunately, many massage therapists are at risk of burnout and the common injuries that can occur because of it.

Massage is physically demanding and often comes with a heavy workload. It also involves interacting with a lot of people each day and having to multitask. Without taking sufficient time to rest and recharge, massage therapists may find that burnout can stop them from feeling their best and performing their job well.

How to prevent burnout

Massage therapy is a rewarding career, but it’s also a demanding one. In order for massage therapists to prevent burnout, they need to carve out some time for regular self-care.

How can you expect to help others to be healthy when you’re not? As a massage therapist, pouring from an empty cup will have a detrimental effect on your health and performance. As a result, you won’t be giving your clients the best care that they need.

Here are some easy self-care practices that you can do as a massage therapist. Set aside time each day to tend to yourself and prevent burnout and injury.

1. Rearrange your schedule

Have a look at your current schedule and see if there’s anything you can change to reduce your workload but still provide quality care. For example, you might want to change your treatment timetable. Maybe you can streamline your practice by utilising shorter treatment times instead of long blocks. Maybe you can lengthen the time between clients so you have more time to recoup. Finding a balance between your needs and your client’s needs will help you to give your best and prevent burnout at the same time.

2. Get your own therapy

As a massage therapist, it’s often a good idea to practise what you preach! Getting a massage can do wonders for your physical and mental health. Just one massage session every week or two can help you to keep up with the physical demands of your job and get rid of any niggles and pains you may have from being on your feet all day long. You can also use self-massage techniques at home to further your relaxation and tend to injury-prone areas such as your hands, neck and shoulders.

3. Enlist help

If you’re tackling more clients than you can handle, then maybe it’s a good idea to recruit an extra pair of hands. Business management software for massage therapy provides on-demand staffing solutions that can help you operate your business more efficiently. From recruiting to staffing, treatment and scheduling, these tools are a blessing for any massage therapist who is struggling to keep up with their daily demands.

4. Listen to your mind and body

Always find ways to take care of yourself before and after your massage therapy. This can include doing breathwork, meditating, eating complete and healthy meals & snacks, making sure you’re hydrated and taking the time to stretch in between clients. Such little acts of self-care can give you the energy boost and motivation you need to get out of that rut and prevent further burnout from occurring.

Burnout occurs when your mind and body has been overworked. As a massage therapist, it’s important to practice self-care to manage burnout and prevent it from occurring in the future. Remember, the quality of the care you give to your client is a reflection of the care you give to yourself! So take time to look after your health and make changes to your schedule if needed.

Discover Massage Australia can help you to have a successful and fulfilling career in massage therapy through a wide range of certified courses. Get in touch if you’d love to know more about the courses, products and support we offer.

The post How Do Massage Therapists Prevent Burnout appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.

How Massage Can Help Improve Your Post-Workout Recovery Routine Thu, 13 Jan 2022 22:21:12 +0000 The post How Massage Can Help Improve Your Post-Workout Recovery Routine appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.


Getting a massage post-exercise can greatly improve your recovery and reduce the risk of injury.

Have you ever experienced muscles screaming out in pain a day or two after a workout? Even seasoned athletes can experience delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) or put themselves at risk of injury from overuse.

Whether you’re an elite athlete, a sporting professional or a gym regular, you should consider including sports massage in your post-workout routine for maximum results on and off the field.

In this article, discover the most common post-workout injuries and how a post-workout massage can help you to perform and feel your best in between workouts.

Common post-workout injuries & symptoms

Workout injuries can happen to anyone, including the most elite of athletes. It doesn’t matter your age or fitness level, everyone is at risk of a sporting injury.

Common post-workout injuries include:

  1. Low back pain
  2. Muscle tightness and strain
  3. Knee pain
  4. Elbow pain and tenderness
  5. Tendinitis
  6. Shin splints
  7. Wrist sprain
  8. Dislocation
  9. Shoulder strain
  10. Hip tightness or pain
  11. Foot strain or Plantar Fasciitis

After a gruelling gym session or game, you may experience symptoms such as swelling, muscle pain, backaches, or the feeling of muscles ‘catching’ or joints locking up. You may also feel a burning sensation, numbness or shooting pain in the muscle as well as a loss of mobility or flexibility in the arm, hips, wrist, legs or feet.

All these post-workout symptoms signify that you’ve either injured yourself from overuse, by using improper form/technique or have failed to properly warm-up/cool down before and after exercising.

Types of massages to improve recovery

Massage can be used immediately after a workout or following an injury to help reduce further pain and inflammation.

The best types of massage to improve recovery post-workout include a combination of sports massage, remedial, deep tissue and relaxation massage. Including these massage types in your post-workout routine will help to relieve pain and muscle tension, as well as provide therapeutic benefits to the mind.

Sports massage

Sports massage therapy treats and prevents common sports injuries. It combines different forms of massage and muscle manipulation techniques to help treat muscle strains.

The type of sports massage you receive will depend on your injury or individual needs. Some of the most common types of sports massage include soft tissue massage, deep tissue massage and whole body massage.

Deep tissue

Deep tissue massage targets the deeper levels of the muscle fascia, helping reduce lactic acid and ease muscle knots and tension.

The massage therapist will apply deep pressure using slow, sustained strokes to target those inner muscles and connective tendons surrounding the joints. This will get rid of adhesions, relieve pain, reduce stress and provide faster muscle recovery.


Remedial massage aims to prevent injury and correct or rehabilitate muscle movement patterns and mobility.

With a combination of deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release and stretching, remedial massage will greatly decrease muscle soreness and facilitate a faster recovery.


Relaxation massage uses slow, rhythmic movements to help calm the mind and body.

A therapeutic massage such as this has great benefits for sportspeople. It can help support recovery by reducing the stress, anxiety and pressure surrounding training and performance.

If you have suffered an injury, a relaxation massage can also help to calm the body and mind and ease any fears or worries regarding your injury or impending time off sport.

Benefits of all

There are numerous benefits to using the above types of post-workout recovery massages. From pain management to improved flexibility and performance, here are some of the ways massage can help you bounce back from a workout injury or intense training session:

Ease muscle spasm & pain

New research from the Ohio State University has found that getting a massage straight after a workout can reduce muscle pain and weakness, as well as reduce the risk of swelling and inflammation.

Muscles that are massaged right away will experience a 20-40% chance of recovery.

Massage is also an effective treatment for DOMS post-event and post-workout. Massage helps to reduce DOMS by relieving tightness and restoring blood flow to the muscles straight after a training session.

Increase circulation and nutrition to damaged tissue

A post-workout recovery massage improves blood circulation which in turn increases oxygen and nutrition delivery to the muscles.

A healthy blood flow helps to loosen and lengthen the muscles and tendons as well as repair damaged tissues. The act of massage straight after exercise may also release any accidental clots or blockages you may have incurred.

Reduces recovery time & risk of injury

Massage after exercise can increase the regeneration of muscle fibres, resulting in a faster recovery time. Massage post-workout can also reduce the risk of future injury by keeping the muscles supple and loose.

In many injuries and also following a workout, the muscles tend to be tight and shortened which can put you more at risk of inflammation or soreness.

Massage will loosen the muscles by releasing tightness and encouraging healthy blood flow. This will lengthen the muscles, returning them to their original architecture – making stretching and moving more fluid and less prone to injury.

Increased range of motion/flexibility

Post-workout recovery massage can be used to maximise sporting performance by increasing your range of mobility and flexibility.

Massage encourages the soft tissues to lengthen and become more elastic, making them extend, move and perform to the best of their ability.

Keeping the body flexible increases performance by allowing the muscles and joints to move at their maximum effort without injury or strain.


All types of massage provide relaxation to both the mind and body. When the muscles are massaged, they move from a tense, tight state to a soft and relaxed state. This has a physiological response, causing the body to enter a state of heavy relaxation and increased feeling of wellbeing.

A relaxing massage post-workout can aid in your recovery by easing muscle tension, reducing stress and alleviating chronic pain. Massage triggers the body to release feel-good hormones that encourage relaxation and gets you feeling your best on your recovery days.

Getting a massage immediately after a workout or sporting event can improve your recovery and performance.

Whether you’re just starting out in the gym or are a professional athlete wanting a quicker and more effective recovery routine, regular sports massage can be invaluable to your overall health and wellbeing.

Want to learn more about sports massage or massage products to help aid in your recovery? Find out more with Discover Massage Australia’s industry-recognised courses today.

The post How Massage Can Help Improve Your Post-Workout Recovery Routine appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.

Benefits Of A Scalp Massage Mon, 20 Dec 2021 07:25:36 +0000 Not only does it feel heavenly, but a scalp massage also provides many health benefits! From promoting hair growth to easing headaches, regular scalp massage has the potential to improve both your physical and mental wellbeing. The best part? Because the nerve endings of the scalp are so close to the surface, only very little […]

The post Benefits Of A Scalp Massage appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.

Not only does it feel heavenly, but a scalp massage also provides many health benefits!

From promoting hair growth to easing headaches, regular scalp massage has the potential to improve both your physical and mental wellbeing.

The best part? Because the nerve endings of the scalp are so close to the surface, only very little stimulation is needed to get maximum results!

Read on to learn the benefits of scalp massage and what you can expect from a professional scalp massage.

What is scalp massage?

A scalp massage is a type of massage that is localized to the head, behind the ears and back of the neck.

In most cases, a scalp massage is done with the fingertips and palm of the hand or with a scalp massager. Sometimes oil is applied to further heighten relaxation and to provide nourishment to the scalp.

The primary aim of a scalp massage is to release tension in the head and neck area. We tend to hold a lot of stress in these places, including the jaw and behind the ears. This tension can radiate to the head, resulting in persistent headaches or migraines.

A scalp massage helps to ease this tension, relaxing the nervous system and alleviating pain or discomfort.

The benefits of scalp massage

A healthy scalp leads to a range of benefits for the body and mind. Here are just a few proven benefits from this newfound massage practice:

Hair growth

Although research is limited, the scientific evidence to date shows that while scalp massages can’t cure hair loss, they do show promise in promoting hair growth.

Massaging the scalp stimulates blood circulation, which brings oxygen and hair-healthy nutrients to the hair follicles. This can encourage stronger hair growth and an increase in hair density.

A recent study found that 70% of the 300 participants that followed a specific scalp massage regimen reported improved hair thickness.

On top of that, regular scalp massage can help to remove dead skin cells and product build-up, improving oil control and reducing dandruff.

So, if your hair is thinning or appears unhealthy, consider getting a scalp massage!

Lowers blood pressure & reduces stress

If you want to experience pure relaxation, book a scalp massage! The entire process induces whole-body bliss, reducing stress and heightening feelings of calmness.

A 2016 study verified this, discovering that a 15- to 25-minute scalp massage has positive effects on the stress hormone, reducing stress and lowering both heart rate and blood pressure in those female participants.

Getting a scalp massage can help to regulate the nervous system, aiding in your body’s natural healing abilities. When the nervous system is functioning optimally, your body is much better able to fight off disease and illness.

Reduces muscle tension

Applying slight pressure to the head and temples using circular motions can help soothe muscle tension and migraines.

You may not think it, but the scalp can hold a lot of tightness! Whether from stress or bad posture, we tend to hold tension across the hairline and behind the ears and neck.

Scalp massage applied by a massage therapist or using a scalp massager at home will soften and relax these tension areas and improve blood flow, helping to eradicate pain from headaches – a much healthier alternative to aspirin!

Promotes healthy bonding & improves your mood

The stimulation from a scalp massage releases oxycontin, a hormone that improves mood and leaves us feeling happy and relaxed.

Serotonin imbalances are often associated with mood disorders including depression. A study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience found that massage had a positive impact on the body’s feel-good hormones; namely serotonin and dopamine. In fact, serotonin levels increased an average of 28% after a massage session, and dopamine by an average of 31%. On top of that, the stress level, cortisol, lowered by as much as 31% following a massage.

Scalp massage can also promote healthy bonds. When you give or receive a scalp massage from a loved one, emotional wellbeing improves as you bond through the power of touch.

So if you’re ever feeling in a low mood, opt to give or receive a scalp massage!

Regular scalp massages carry a range of benefits. You’ll be reducing tension, improving relaxation and promoting healthier hair growth all with just the gentle touch of the fingertips. You can get a scalp massage from a massage therapist, or, opt to do your own at-home massage using your own fingers, scalp massager or nearest and dearest!

Whichever way you choose to receive your massage, trust that you’ll be getting some wonderful benefits for a happier, healthier you.

If you’re wanting to learn more about the health benefits of massage and how Discover Massage Australia can help you to become a professional massage therapist, reach out about our range of massage courses today.

The post Benefits Of A Scalp Massage appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.

The Benefits of Incorporating Massages into your Routine Sun, 15 Aug 2021 23:34:14 +0000 Regular massage isn’t just for celebs or professional sportspeople! Anyone can benefit from regular massage therapy. In fact, when you incorporate massage into your regular self-care routine, you’ll notice both physical and psychological benefits that you can’t get from any other form of wellness practice. So why should you make massages routine? Getting regular massages […]

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Regular massage isn’t just for celebs or professional sportspeople! Anyone can benefit from regular massage therapy. In fact, when you incorporate massage into your regular self-care routine, you’ll notice both physical and psychological benefits that you can’t get from any other form of wellness practice.

So why should you make massages routine?

Getting regular massages from a professional massage therapist can help with pain, stress/anxiety, and relaxation. If you suffer from chronic pain such as back pain, incorporating massage into your regime can help treat and prevent further discomfort. But you don’t need to have sore muscles to book a massage! Even those who are healthy and ailment-free can reap the following benefits of massage:

Ease pain and discomfort

Muscle aches and pains can compromise how we exercise, sleep and move about. If you exercise frequently, you may experience muscle pain or soreness on a regular basis.

Massage can help improve joint mobility and relax tight, sore muscles, helping them to recover faster – allowing you to live a happy and pain-free life! Incorporating massage into your regular routine will prove useful in your post-workout recovery and if you find that your muscles become tight and sore after long periods of sitting (such as from office work).

Improve your immune system

Put the vitamin-c back on the shelf! There’s an even better cold remedy! Yes, massage can improve your immune system and make you less prone to colds, the flu and illnesses.

The act of massage stimulates blood flow and healthy circulation, stimulating the lymphatic system and allowing it to produce disease-fighting white blood cells.

Improved immunity is even more important now with the COVID-19 pandemic! So, what are you waiting for? Book a massage and take care of your health!

Improves productivity

Are you feeling burnt out? With so many daily obligations, it’s easy to become fatigued and less productive. Instead of reaching for the coffee, try a massage session to improve your productivity levels.

Massage relaxes the body and mind, allowing us to slow down and put the mental checklist aside. When the brain is in a relaxed state, it is more able to process complex problems and multitask much easier – giving you that boost of motivation you need to get you through the day.

Helps with health conditions

Massage has been proven to help treat chronic health conditions such as insomnia, stress, digestive issues, and degenerative diseases such as Fibromyalgia.

There are different massage modalities and techniques that can be applied to treat a specific condition. For those suffering nerve pain or joint inflammation, massage can help to target those deep connective tissues and muscles to release chronic pain and aches. Massage therapy can also help to reduce stress and digestive issues by regulating the nervous system through relaxation. The stimulation of the muscles releases nutrient-rich enzymes that flush out toxins in the body and increase feel-good hormones that reduce stress and its negative effects on the body.

Chronic conditions

Regular massage therapy is effective in treating and managing chronic health conditions. This includes both temporary conditions (back pain, headaches, etc.) and long-term conditions that may be affecting how you live day-to-day.

Massage therapists are trained in a number of modalities including deep tissue massage and sports massage. If you have a chronic condition causing you pain or anguish, then your massage therapist can customise your massage to treat and alleviate this pain in a way that’s beneficial to you.

While you will find relief after one session, booking regular massage sessions will help to keep your chronic pain under control.

Regulates sleep

Do you find it hard to fall asleep at night? Or do you wake up feeling like you didn’t sleep a wink? Many people experience sleep conditions such as insomnia or sleep apnea. Whether caused by stress, anxiety, or physical anatomy (as the case in obstructive sleep apnea), massage can act as a magic sleeping pill (without the bad side effects!).

Massage decreases physical pain and mental stress, helping the body and mind to enter a deep relaxed state. You will often find that after your massage session, your body feels loose and fluid as if you’re floating on a cloud. This effect can help you to fall asleep easier at night and have uninterrupted sleep.

Make massage a regular practice!

Making massage a part of your monthly routine will make you feel happier, healthier, and more energetic. While you’ll feel the results instantly in just one session, maintaining a regular massage routine will keep your body in that relaxed, regulated state all the time. The long-term corrective care of massage will help people dealing with chronic health conditions or recurrent pain/injury and allow them to live their lives more comfortably. Regular massage will also keep your immunity strong, making you less likely to catch a cold or fall sick. Get started on your wellness journey by booking your massage today!

The post The Benefits of Incorporating Massages into your Routine appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.

The Most Common Sports Injuries and How Massage Therapy Helps Sun, 18 Jul 2021 07:04:44 +0000 After a sporting injury, the main focus is recovery. This period can be frustrating for sporting professionals and athletes, as depending on the severity of the injury, recovery may be a slow and drawn-out process. Massage therapy aims to reduce recovery time and speed up the healing process when supplemented with other rehabilitative methods. There […]

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After a sporting injury, the main focus is recovery. This period can be frustrating for sporting professionals and athletes, as depending on the severity of the injury, recovery may be a slow and drawn-out process.

Massage therapy aims to reduce recovery time and speed up the healing process when supplemented with other rehabilitative methods.

There are a number of different techniques used in sports massage therapy, and the best type of massage for athletes will be determined by the injury and its severity.

Sport remedial massage therapy and its various techniques can help any sporting professional feel relief from pain while facilitating their rehabilitation. Here are some of the most common sporting-related injuries and the benefits of massage therapy for athletes.

Shoulder strain

Shoulder strain or sprain is a result of injury to the shoulder ligaments or surrounding muscles.

The ligaments in your shoulder help to connect the scapula (shoulder blade), clavicle (collarbone), and sternum (breastbone) together in the shoulder joint.

Shoulder strain can occur in sports involving heavy or explosive force/contact, crashes and falls from a height, and when backward force is placed on the arm causing the stretching and tearing of the ligaments and muscles in the shoulder.

A shoulder strain is a common injury for individuals who swim, play contact sports such as rugby and football, and in sports requiring repetitive overuse of the muscles – such as tennis and golf.

Common risk factors

There are several factors that can contribute to a sports-related shoulder injury. Athletes are even more at risk of a shoulder strain or injury if they aren’t adequately warmed up or rested prior to and following a sporting session. Muscle imbalance and weakness can also lead to injury, as the shoulder takes on more load to compensate for weaknesses in areas such as the wrist or chest.

  • Repetitive movement patterns: In sports such as tennis, golf, and swimming, repetitive motion in the shoulder can lead to rotator cuff tears and strain in the ligaments and muscles. As seen in cases of swimmers shoulder, or golf/tennis elbow, repetitive overhead throwing can cause the front of the shoulder to stretch and become tight, leading to muscles catching on the labrum and rotator cuff. It can also cause bursitis; a painful inflammation of the shoulder (also known as impingement syndrome).
  • Fatigue: Elevated fatigue levels, repetitive use, and emotional stress can cause the shoulder muscles to overwork, leading to injury. Weak and overstretched muscles can result in frequent dislocations, ruptures, abrasions, and rotator cuff tears. 
  • Improper warm-up: The risk of shoulder sprain and strain is elevated in those who don’t properly warm-up before physical activity. Lifting heavy weights without warming up can lead to inflammation or tendinitis, altered tissue alignment, and poor mobility. 
  • Trauma: Blunt force trauma as a result of intense tackling or impact can lead to labral tears (if following a fall or direct blow to the shoulder), sprained joints and ACJ injury, fractures, cartilage tear, and separation.

Sports massage techniques for shoulders

For shoulder tendon pain treatment, sports massage therapy can be utilised.

Massage therapy has the potential to not only relieve pain in the shoulder but also encourage the healing and rehabilitation of the shoulder and surrounding muscles.

Some of the best massage techniques for shoulder pain and injury include:

  1. Friction technique: Using the ball of their thumb, a professional massage therapist will rub the afflicted area in circular movements. Applying friction in this way can help the breakdown of adhesions and scar tissue, helping to improve pain and range of motion in the shoulder. This along with trigger point therapy are among the best ways to treat swimmers shoulder
  2. Soft tissue release: Through careful stretching and manipulation of the muscles, soft tissue release can be used to ease tissue congestion, encourage elasticity, and lengthen muscles. This can be particularly helpful in cases such as tennis elbow and overuse injuries as well as to assist in the rehabilitation process for rotator cuff injuries.
  3. Deep tissue massage: Using a combination of long sweeping strokes, light pressure, deep circular strokes, kneading, and shaking movements, deep tissue massage aims to release the deeper muscle fibres and assist in tension relief and muscle tightness. You can learn more about using deep tissue massage to treat shoulder pain through our hands on and online courses on offer at Discover Massage Australia.

Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is the injury to the ligaments that support the ankle. An ankle sprain can occur if there’s a sudden twist or roll to the ankle or when planting the foot awkwardly, as well as in sports that require quick and sudden changes in direction.

An ankle sprain is a common injury for individuals who play rugby, soccer/football, tennis, basketball, and in sports such as rollerblading, ice skating, and running.

Common risk factors

  • Sudden jumping, turning, twisting: In sports such as basketball, ankle injury is more predominant because of the constant jumping motion and sudden changes in direction. Ankle injury can come in the form of mild to a severe sprain as well as chronic unstable ankle that is prone to repeated injury.
  • Sudden impact/trauma: A fracture or break can occur in one or more bones in the ankle when the joint sustains a sudden impact. This is more common in athletes who play sports such as rugby, football, basketball, netball, and hockey.

Sports massage for ankle sprains

In full-contact sports such as rugby, ankle sprains and fractures are more common. Ankle strain rehab requires sports massage for sprained ankles and related ankle injury. Sports massage will manage and reduce the pain in the ankle, as well as speed up an athlete’s recovery process by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the muscles. You can learn more about treating sprained ankles through Discover Massage Australia’s hands-on deep tissue massage course.

  1. Cross friction massage: For acute ankle sprains, cross friction massage can treat the ligaments by preventing the formation of scar tissue. This can be done 72-hours after the initial injury. The massage therapist will work the TFL (Anterior talofibular ligament), CFL (Calcaneofibular ligament) or PTFL (Posterior Talofibular ligament) through cross-fibre friction. 
  2. Cross friction/Calf massage: From around 3 days after the injury, cross friction massage can be applied to the calf and shin muscles as well as the ankle to help loosen the muscles and improve range of motion. The massage therapist will apply direct pressure backwards and forwards using a single finger across the ligament. 

Knee Ligament Injury

There are four major ligaments in the knee. These include the Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), Medial collateral ligament (MCL), and Lateral collateral ligament (LCL). Of all these ligaments, the ACL is the most common ligament to be injured from sporting activities.

The ACL is prone to being overstretched or torn from sudden twisting movements and jumping, as well as from sustaining blunt force trauma in contact sports like rugby and football.

Knee ligament injuries are a common injury for those who participate in sports such as rugby, soccer/football, skiing, surfing, and running.

Common risk factors

  • Sudden jumping, turning, twisting: The ACL is often damaged in sports like rugby or soccer, where there’s a sudden twisting motion from quick and sudden directional changes. Sports like skiing and running can also cause ACL injury from awkward foot placement or landing while in motion.
  • Sudden, direct impact: The ACL or PCL can be injured when there is a sudden, direct impact – either from a fall, a crash, or from direct impact with an opponent. If your outer knee is hit very hard, you may also experience an MCL tear or sprain.

Sports massage for knee pain

If you are experiencing knee pain from a sporting injury, massage therapy can assist in common tears and sprains. Medial ligament knee pain treatment and ACL knee ligament injury treatment are assisted with techniques found in sports massage therapy.

Please note that any form of deep tissue massage shouldn’t be applied while the knee injury is in its acute phase. Check with your massage therapist prior to having any form of massage applied to the knee.

  1. Cross friction massage: Used to treat MCL sprains, cross friction massage applies deep pressure to the ligament or tendon in a backwards and forwards motion. This allows the ligament to lay down new scar tissue and to heal. MCL massage is best done later in the rehab phase. 
  2. Therapeutic massage: Also known as whole-body massage, athletes can benefit from the psychological effects a therapeutic massage has on their mind. Following injury, individuals can be stressed and worried about their sporting career. Therapeutic massage can be used in conjunction with a knee rehab treatment plan to maintain mental health and wellbeing. 

Tennis Elbow Injury

Lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow, is a common yet painful condition caused by overuse. 

Unsurprisingly, tennis elbow is most common in sports such as tennis, where the repetitive movements of serving, hitting and returning the ball can lead to the inflammation or tearing of the tendons that join the forearm muscles to the outside of the elbow. 

Along with sports like tennis, individuals can experience tennis elbow from participating in basketball, squash, golf, or weightlifting.

Common risk factors

  • Repetitive movements, overuse: Tennis elbow symptoms usually present when there’s damage to a forearm muscle known as the Extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB). This muscle helps to stabilise the wrist when the elbow is outstretched. With overuse and repeated swinging motions (such as a tennis groundstroke), the ECRB is weakened which paves the way for microscopic tears in the tendon.

How to treat tennis elbow

Tennis elbow can be effectively treated with massage therapy. Massage for tennis elbow can help to treat the injury and also prevent the injury from occurring again.

For tennis players, an emphasis on recovery between matches is needed, in order to prevent tennis elbow from interfering with their performance on the court.

  1. Deep tissue massage: Deep tissue massage to the forearm is effective in the easing of tennis elbow and its healing. Combined with friction therapy and soft tissue release, deep tissue massage will enhance circulation, break up scar tissue, ease pain, and improve flexibility as well as elbow strength.
  2. Whole body massage: For post-game and recovery in between matches, a whole-body massage for tennis elbow can help kick-start recovery and reduce fatigue. This will relax and lengthen the muscles as well as relax the mind for optimal performance on and off-court.


Tendonitis or tendinitis, is a common sports-related injury, resulting in the inflammation of a tendon. Tendonitis often occurs in sports where there is overuse of the muscles or repetitive motions, and most commonly affects the elbow, wrist, finger, thigh, and shoulder.

Tendonitis is a common injury for individuals who lift weights, play rugby, tennis, swimming, basketball, bowling, golf, and baseball.

Common risk factors

  • Muscle overuse, repeated motion: Tendonitis often presents in people who play sports that require repeated use or repetitive motions. For example, weightlifters may be prone to tendonitis because they are lifting heavy loads repeatedly – putting the tendon under strain and at risk of fatigue and lack of mobility.
  • Sudden injury: Trauma to the affected area can result in tendonitis. For example, Achilles tendonitis may occur after a sports injury to the calf muscle and can also occur after a sudden, hard landing or fall.

Massage therapy for tendonitis

Massage is good for tendonitis, especially when it comes to shoulder tendonitis treatment and pain relief. 

Since the inflammation of a single tendon can cause surrounding tendons to experience pain, using massage therapy can play a role in managing tendonitis and its repercussions on surrounding muscles, ligaments, and joints.

  1. Deep tissue massage: Deep tissue massage is one of the best treatments for tendonitis. Combining firm pressure and slow strokes, this massage technique reaches the deeper layers of muscle and fascia to treat chronic pain and encourage repair & recovery.
  2. Friction therapy: Tendonitis benefits from friction therapy massage, as it helps to break up scar tissue and allows aligned tissues to form. For best recovery results, tendonitis massage therapy should be administered as soon as possible following injury.

Hamstring Strain

Hamstring muscle injuries, including hamstring strain, is a frequent occurrence in athletes. Even in non-sporting professionals, a pulled hamstring is one of the more common injuries to occur when playing sport. 

When you experience hamstring strain, you have injured one or more of the muscles at the back of the thigh. This happens as a result of muscles getting stretched too far to the point that they are beginning to tear.

Hamstring strains are a common injury for individuals who play sports like rugby, soccer/football, and in sports that require sprinting such as running and basketball.

Common risk factors

  • Overload, overuse: Muscle overload is the most common cause of hamstring strain. This happens when the muscle is stretched beyond its capacity while ‘loaded’. This can occur when sprinting, where the muscles are lengthened and also loaded with the force of body weight required for explosive forward motion. 
  • Improper warm-up: Tight muscles are more likely to strain. Athletes should adequately warm up the muscles prior to intense exercise to ensure muscles are relaxed and lengthened.
  • Muscle imbalance: When one muscle is stronger than its opposing muscle group, it can lead to muscle fatigue and strain. This is often the case when the hamstring muscles get tired more quickly than the quadriceps, resulting in overuse and overload of the hamstring.

Massage for hamstring strain

Sports massage therapy can be used in hamstring strain treatment and recovery. Though it shouldn’t be administered in the acute phase of the injury, massage therapy should be used in the later phase of rehabilitation to speed up the healing process and reduce pain and muscle tightness.

  1. Soft tissue massage: Light and superficial pressure is applied to the hamstring muscles to help break down scar tissue, relax tight muscles, and stimulate blood flow to the area. This will help speed up and aid the recovery process, and can also increase flexibility.
  2. Deep friction massage: As the hamstring strain injury heals, deep friction massage can be used to further facilitate recovery. Deeper work, including transverse friction, across the muscle fibers will help build healthy scar tissue. This can be done with deep lengthwise strokes and kneading, to both engage and relax the muscle. 

The post The Most Common Sports Injuries and How Massage Therapy Helps appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.

The Benefits of a Winter Massage Fri, 09 Jul 2021 00:04:32 +0000 Have you ever felt increased discomfort during the winter months? Maybe it’s achy joints or tight feeling muscles, or perhaps your arthritis seems to flare up more when it’s cold. Winter can bring with it many aches and pains. This is often because cold temperature changes our blood flow, constricts blood vessels, and dries out […]

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Have you ever felt increased discomfort during the winter months? Maybe it’s achy joints or tight feeling muscles, or perhaps your arthritis seems to flare up more when it’s cold.

Winter can bring with it many aches and pains. This is often because cold temperature changes our blood flow, constricts blood vessels, and dries out the skin. Not to mention, we are more prone to illnesses in winter, which can leave the body feeling run-down.

If you have been feeling under the weather and need a mid-winter boost, then booking a massage will give you the health and vitality you need to make it through.

The benefits of winter massage

Having regular massages during winter keeps your body and mind healthier and happier. The longer, darker days can easily leave us feeling fatigued and gloomy. But as soon as you walk into your massage session, you are entering a warm, inviting space that will leave you relaxed and refreshed.

Boosts the immune system

Winter makes us more prone to developing the cold and flu, since our immune systems are weaker during this time. The good news is – massage can boost your immune system and help your body fight off infections.

Massage stimulates the lymph nodes, which allows white blood cells to defend against infections and disease. Because of this, getting regular massages during winter makes you less likely to develop a cold or have to rely on medications to fend off one.

Reduces dry skin irritation

Do you experience drier skin during winter? It’s common for skin to become dehydrated due to colder temperatures, lower humidity, and indoor heating.

Softer skin is just one of the many winter massage benefits that can help you feel your best! There are two reasons why massage may reduce skin irritation. For one, your massage therapist will apply hydrating oils rich in Vitamin E to penetrate deep into your skin and form a protective barrier to keep moisture locked in. Secondly, massage improves circulation – nourishing the skin cells and keeping them vital.

Improves circulation

During winter, you are more susceptible to suffer from lower blood circulation and higher blood pressure since cold weather causes blood vessels to constrict.

This constriction can often lead to joint and muscle pain, resulting in that achy feeling that is common during winter.

Massage therapy can help improve blood circulation and encourage blood flow to joints and muscles – relieving pain and warming up your body.

Improves mental health

It’s easy to feel down in the dumps during winter, and for some, seasonal depression is most common during these months.

Massage can improve mental health by helping you to relax and reduce stress levels. When you’re in this relaxed state, the body’s feel-good hormones serotonin and endorphins are released, increasing your feelings of happiness.

Having regular massage sessions during winter will help keep those winter blues away while also improving your relaxation skills so that you can better cope during times of stress.

Eases the winter aches

The cold winter weather can exacerbate any existing pains or injuries you may have, causing chronic discomfort.

One of the most common complaints during winter is the presence of back pain. Back pain can interfere with our daily life, making even basic movements intolerable. If you suffer from back pain or are recovering from an injury, getting a massage can help increase blood flow and circulation, loosening muscles and lubricating joints.

Massage therapy relaxes muscle tissue, reducing painful muscle spasms and contractions. Massage also helps reduce nerve compression, allowing nutrients to travel to the body’s tissues and improve the function of your muscles and joints.

Enjoy these winter massage benefits – book a massage today!

There are so many benefits that massages in winter offer you. While many of us don’t want to brave the cold, booking in for regular massages during the winter months will keep you in optimum health. Not only will it help to protect you from common winter germs, but it will also improve your mental health – giving you an overall state of wellbeing. Stay warm this winter, and look after your health with a regular massage as part of your healthcare and self-love routine.

The post The Benefits of a Winter Massage appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.

5 Ways Massages Can Reduce Stress Thu, 27 May 2021 21:11:11 +0000 Stress is a normal part of life. We have all experienced it at one point or another. But it’s when stress starts affecting our livelihood that it can become detrimental to our health. The best way to combat and reduce stress is by engaging in activities that allow us to feel more relaxed and present. […]

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Stress is a normal part of life. We have all experienced it at one point or another. But it’s when stress starts affecting our livelihood that it can become detrimental to our health.

The best way to combat and reduce stress is by engaging in activities that allow us to feel more relaxed and present.

Massage therapy is a proven method to help combat stress and reduce its negative effects on the mind and body. It has been shown that even just 10 minutes of massage therapy can activate the body’s natural happy hormones and leave you feeling more relaxed and less stressed.

The mood-enhancing benefits of massage therapy makes it easier to feel more calm and in control, reducing anxiety and naturally calming the body’s fight-or-flight response.

The symptoms of stress

While stress is integral to our survival, if your fight-or-flight response is continuously switched on it can lead to a variety of symptoms that may be detrimental to your health.

Some of the most common symptoms of stress include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Increased sweating
  • Increased heart rate
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Knotted stomach
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Depression, anxiety, irritability

These reactions to stress-inducing events or environments wreak havoc on your nervous system. Under stress, your body has to work harder in an effort to deliver a healthy oxygen and blood supply. If you’re experiencing chronic stress, your body is also having to keep up with a surge in glucose levels, heightening your risk of type 2 diabetes and digestive health issues such as acid reflux and constipation. Left unchecked, stress can lower the body’s immune system making you more prone to illness and can even lead to reproductive issues in both men and women.

The 5 ways massage reduces stress

Massage can reduce stress and its related symptoms by reducing your heart rate and calming the central nervous system. As a result, you will end up feeling more relaxed, rejuvenated, and focused.

  1. Massage triggers a relaxation responseMassage encourages the body to ‘slow down’, bringing it from a heightened state of anxiety to a more calm, relaxed state.The simple act of touch and methodic kneading invites the body to ease up and sink into relaxation. This emotional response is ignited by the body’s natural happiness and relaxation hormone, serotonin. Serotonin stabilizes our mood and also helps with basic functions such as eating, digestion, and sleeping.
  2. Massage helps with muscular tensionWhen you’re stressed, your body involuntarily tightens up causing the muscles to become tense. With the aid of massage therapy, the muscles can return to a relaxed state alleviating chronic pain.High levels of tension in the body can cause muscles to shorten, restricting movement and causing pain. Massage relieves tension by increasing tissue elasticity and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous systemThrough techniques such as trigger point therapy, rubbing, stretching, and stroking, the muscle fibers become more warm and loose. Patients may need more than one massage to remedy muscular tension, but will still notice considerable results after just one session.
  3. Massage reduced blood pressureMassage has been shown to improve blood circulation which in turn, helps to lower blood pressure.Massage therapy helps to calm the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for raising the blood pressure as a response to stress.Studies have shown that relaxation massage or aromatherapy massage – both modalities that are purely relaxation-focused – reduces blood pressure and heart rate much more effectively than deep tissue or sports massage. This is most likely due to the fact that calming, gentle touch releases that serotonin hormone causing our bodies to self-regulate and return to a natural and healthier function.
  4. Massage improves sleepBecause massage can directly influence the body’s production of serotonin, it can also help to release the sleep hormone melatonin.Direct pressure and the manipulation of muscles in the neck, shoulders, back, and even the legs and feet triggers melatonin production. The act of massage also reduces cortisol – the stress hormone – which can affect sleep patterns. In its place, the hormone dopamine stabilizes your mood and helps create that relaxed state of being that is needed to fall asleep soundly.Massage therapy can be aided with essential oils such as lavender, to further coax the body into that blissful state.
  5. Massage helps with mental health Massage can promote our psychological health by stimulating the receptors, nerves, and hormones responsible for mood regulation.During a moderate pressure massage, these receptors are triggered – bringing therapeutic relief to the client and overall improved mood and wellbeing.Massage has also shown to increase vagal nerve activity which is often low in depressed individuals. When this nerve is stimulated, cortisol levels decrease entering our bodies into a more relaxed and happy state.

    Further studies have also indicated that following a massage, activity in the right frontal lobe of the brain (the part associated with negative emotion) lowered and shifted to the left frontal lobe which is responsible for mood and stress regulation.

So, why stress?

Massage therapy can be one of the best stress busters available! Alongside the quiet, relaxed atmosphere of a massage clinic, the act of massage itself coaxes our bodies into an improved state of wellbeing. And while stress can be temporarily alleviated with one massage session, identifying a long-term massage plan with a qualified massage therapist will be more beneficial for clients in managing chronic stress.

If you’re already a qualified massage therapist, or plan on studying to become one, by creating a quiet and welcoming atmosphere, you can help your clients reduce their stress levels through massage. And as they leave feeling much better than when they arrived, you’ll start to see them coming back time and time again.

The post 5 Ways Massages Can Reduce Stress appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.

How Massage Can Help Ease Lower Back Pain Thu, 13 May 2021 23:52:18 +0000 Lower back pain is something that can affect people of all ages, and is one of the most common complaints at the doctor’s office. However, just because lower back pain is common doesn’t mean it should be tolerated on a daily basis. There are many treatment options available to relieve back pain, but the most […]

The post How Massage Can Help Ease Lower Back Pain appeared first on Discover Massage Australia.

Lower back pain is something that can affect people of all ages, and is one of the most common complaints at the doctor’s office.

However, just because lower back pain is common doesn’t mean it should be tolerated on a daily basis. There are many treatment options available to relieve back pain, but the most effective option is with massage.

Massage for lower back pain can provide significant relief for tired, painful, compressed muscles. With targeted massage therapy, lower back pain can be controlled and eased for long-term recovery.

What are the causes of lower back pain?

While modern lifestyle factors such as sitting down for extended periods of time can contribute to lower back pain, the most common cause is a torn muscle or ligament.

If your lower back pain is chronic, then it’s most likely you have strained a muscle or ligament from repetitive overuse.

Common causes of lower back strain include:

  • Lifting or pushing heavy objects with incorrect form
  • Twisting the body/spine while bearing weight
  • Sudden impact on the lower back (e.g. from falling)
  • Poor posture when sitting or standing
  • Sports injuries (especially in sports that are high impact)

In some cases, back pain can alleviate once the trigger is stopped or rectified. However, if muscles or ligaments have strained or torn, the acute pain can reoccur and keep you from living a happy and active life.

If pain continues after 3 months, this can indicate problems in your lumbar disk, joint, or nerve root.

The symptoms of lower back pain

Lower back pain is often indicated by these common symptoms:

  • Dull, aching pain: This can also be accompanied by muscle spasms in the lower back area including the base of the spine, the pelvis, and hips.
  • A shooting pain from the buttocks down the leg: Sciatica can present in a sharp, shooting, tingling or numb pain that radiates from the buttocks or hip down to the legs and feet.
  • Pain after sitting: Sitting for prolonged periods puts pressure on the disks, causing symptoms to worsen when seated.
  • Pain that is worse upon waking up: Many people report lower back pain that is worse when waking up, but often find it subsides after moving around or when changing positions.

How does massage help lower back pain?

Since most lower back pain is caused by stressed or strained muscles, it makes sense that any treatment that helps to boost circulation and loosen ligaments can help to reduce and even eradicate pain.

Massage can help lower back pain by improving blood circulation. When blood circulation is improved, muscles and ligaments are receiving a healthy supply of oxygen and nutrients. This leads to relaxed muscles, greater mobility, and reduced pain.

Massage can manage lower back pain in a number of ways. From physical and mental relaxation to pain prevention & management; massage is a holistic approach to relieving lower back pain and improving quality of life.

Lower back massage uses different techniques to target painful trigger points and reduce tension in the muscles. These methods and modalities can include both trigger point massage and relaxation massage, depending on the cause and severity of the pain.

The best massage for lower back pain

A long-term approach is needed when treating lower back pain with massage, especially when dealing with chronic cases.

The most effective massage techniques for lower back pain includes sports massage, remedial massage and deep tissue massage.

If back pain is injury-related, then deep tissue massage can help treat the injury that caused the pain and also address any other factors such as muscle imbalance or weakness.

Your massage therapist will be able to assess your muscular tissue and apply the appropriate massage technique or combination of techniques that will give you the most effective pain management and reduction.

A qualified massage therapist will know how to give a good massage for lower back pain that will target the pain at the source. They can also help to guide you on recovery and management techniques that you can carry with you in your daily life. This can include anything from proper form and technique when carrying or lifting heavy weight, to self-massage techniques to use at home, and correct posture when sitting and standing.

What are you waiting for?

Regular massage therapy sessions can be part of your lower back pain management strategy. By going to a qualified massage therapist, such as one who carries qualifications from Discover Massage Australia, you will get the correct care and techniques to alleviate your chronic lower back pain. Your therapist will look at the cause of the pain and factor in muscle imbalances or lifestyle issues that may contribute to recurrent pain and will then draw up a long-term injury management plan to ensure you can go back to living your life pain-free.

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