Massage therapy is an in-demand service, whether it’s with athletes or people who are generally interested in wellbeing and good health. As a massage therapist, you could be self-employed or you might find yourself working as an employee in clinics at different stages of your career. Preparing for job interviews can be nerve wracking. Be that as it may, the better prepared you are, the more confident and better you’ll likely do. Read on for insights on what you might expect to be asked and some possible ways to answer these questions successfully.
1. What massage techniques are you most skilled in?
Massage clinics, spas, and other employers will offer a range of different massage services to fulfil client requirements. Explain the types of massage techniques you’re proficient in. Keep in mind different employers will have stronger demand for given techniques. For example, a clinic with a strong rehabilitation focus might value deep tissue massage competencies. Retreats and spas might be seeking employees with hot stone and other relaxation-focused techniques.
2. How do you decide which massage technique to use?
To put it another way, “Can you give an example of how the right technique gave a client relief from the symptoms?”
Employers love to find out how you’ll make decisions in practical situations. They have more confidence in evaluating you as a prospective employee when they have real-life examples from you. Make sure you have a few examples of your best client success stories prepared. Be ready to explain how you achieved the outcome with a level of detail. When preparing your answer, consider what you did best in the scenario, who you worked on, and how it helped the client so you can highlight your competencies.
3. What is your working availability?
Massage therapy tends to be more in demand after standard work hours, in the evenings, and during the weekends. With the exception of employers like hospitals and medical clinics, you might be working mostly during the afternoons, evenings, and weekends.
Check the employer’s website to get an idea of their opening hours, and ensure your answer matches their likely expectations in this regard. Demonstrate a willingness to be flexible where possible.
4. Are you good with people? Can you give me an example that demonstrates this?
Massage clinics seek employees with soft skills like communication and an ability to build client rapport as well as core skills like massage techniques. Successful communication is essential because you need to obtain and share information to perform the best you can for the client. Prepare at least one example on how you’ve navigated client communications and explain the best outcome you’ve achieved in given scenarios.
5. How would you handle an inappropriate client?
With this question, the employer wants to know you can follow the business’s rules and apply sound judgment. They want to avoid risky employees who could cause reputational damage or other types of liabilities. As such, a good way to answer this question is to let the interviewer know you’ll use your best judgement and follow any of the clinic’s standard guidelines with clients who behave inappropriately or make inappropriate suggestions.
6. Questions you should ask the interviewer
Asking questions of the interviewer is vital for confirming they’re the right employer for you. The last thing you want is to accept a job where the expectations don’t match your own. Ask the interviewer how many clients you’ll be expected to see in a day. For example, six clients a day might be great for you, or you might be looking for a less demanding schedule than five clients who all want deep tissue massages.
Ask the interviewer how much time is allotted for each client. A standard approach is to allocate five minutes for client intake and 50 minutes on the table, and then another five minutes for the client exit. You’ll want to verify you’ll have enough time to provide clients with a quality service.
In addition, find out what the employer’s policy on massage therapists and clients who come in when they are sick. Ideally, the employer will be reluctant to proceed with the appointment. Spending time in an enclosed room and physical contact with someone who is sick is the quickest way to pass on anything contagious.
The Importance of Being Prepared
Understanding where the employer is coming from with a question is key to effective interview preparation. Employers want to know your massage techniques match the skills they’re looking for. They also want reassurance you can work during the required hours. You should also be prepared to talk about your soft skills, especially client communication and management of inappropriate clients. Finally, always prepare a few questions to ask the employer to show your interest. Your questions also help to clarify your own understanding of their expectations and ensure it’s the right job for you.
Discover Massage Australia has been teaching students to become thorough, confident massage therapists since 1997. With us, you’ll learn the skills you need to build your career in a fun and friendly environment. With the right massage therapy qualification, you can enhance your chances of success in any interview. Our team is here to help you prepare for your next job interview with guidance on the right massage therapy course for you. Check out our full list of massage courses to help get the skills you need today.