For employees, the prospect of getting a stress-relieving, relaxing massage during lunch hour can be mood-boosting and motivating. Businesses large and small are becoming aware of this, and there is a growing trend towards offering a complimentary massage service in the workplace. It’s easy to see why – offering in-house massage therapy can turn out to be a win-win situation for employees and employers.
Many large enterprises (such as Boeing and Google, and Eddie Bauer) have established massage programs for their employees. For Boeing, the goal is to drive stronger physical and mental resilience, while Eddie Bauer’s massage therapy is part of a large overall wellbeing program that includes mammograms and personal trainers. Google is so committed to its massage program that it even has its own massage program manager who oversees the process, which includes chair massages, table massages, prenatal massages and Thai massages.
Let’s take a look at a few of the reasons this trend is becoming so popular.
One of the reasons behind the growth in demand for corporate massages could be the fact that it delivers high ROI. Employers can choose to subsidise all or just a percentage of the cost of each massage.
A complimentary massage program could have benefits for recruitment outcomes, job satisfaction, employee wellbeing, and team morale. Massages at work have been reported to result in less time off for work-related injuries, fewer compensation claims by dollar amount, and less doctor’s visits. All of this translates to higher ROI for the company.
Another factor for the increased interest in workplace massage could be that it’s very easy for companies to implement a free massage program. Often these are chair-based massages that require no special equipment other than a massage chair and a small space (which could even be the employee’s desk!). From the business’s perspective, massage is an inexpensive perk that delivers a lot of satisfaction for employees.
Massages improve health and wellbeing
Corporate massage programs are likely gaining popularity simply because they support the wellbeing of employees, which leads to indirect effects such as higher productivity. Many employees, especially those in office roles, live sedentary lifestyles that can lead to excess tension, aches, and other physical problems in the body. A massage during the day can result in better circulation and help alleviate these issues. Some studies have seen a single 20-minute massage session reduce stress by as much as 85%, while also lowering anxiety and depression.
Massage can significantly reduce back pain and tension, improve sleep quality, and reduce the duration and intensity of headaches. It can have a measurable impact on lowering blood pressure and boosting immune function, while lowering the occurrence of repetitive stress injuries. People with specific conditions such as carpal tunnel and tendonitis can benefit from massage therapy.
Massage therapy can boost energy levels, mood, and morale. Research has found that having a massage boosts the production of mood-enhancing chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine while reducing cortisol levels.Receiving a back or body massage during your lunch hour can cut stress, keep you happy, and make you more productive for the rest of the day.
Massage can boost employee productivity through better mood and morale, but it can also directly enhance productivity at work by improving focus, energy, and mental clarity. Receiving a session of chair massage can make it easier for employees to focus, improve their speed and accuracy, and lead to improved alertness.
Working with corporate clients as a massage therapist
Organisations are always looking for new ways to motivate employees and support greater productivity at work. As massage therapist, this could be a new revenue stream to explore for your practice.
A way to find more corporate clients as a massage therapist might be doing more presentations and seminars at corporate events and locations. You can also network with people you know and ask them to refer your services to their company.
Another option is to find companies that do have wellness programs and connect with them directly. Advertise locally, network with local businesses, and offer discounts for successful referrals.
Massage offers definite benefits for office workers and other employees, and it can support better wellbeing and productivity at work. The growing trend towards more businesses offering workplace massages is a great opportunity for massage therapists to expand their client base.