When it comes to the success of your massage therapy clinic, your client relationships are everything. Attracting new clients is important, but generating ongoing business from existing clients is invaluable. Build rapport and pave the way for happy clients with these...
8 Steps to Calm an Anxious Massage Client
As a massage therapist, maintaining happy and relaxed clients is key to building a successful career. Whilst many clients will be completely at ease with having a massage, some may find the experience a little more daunting for a variety of reasons. Anxiety can...
How to Deal with Cancellations from Massage Clients
Every massage therapist knows it’s a great position to be in when you have so many clients, you have to turn away new customers who are looking to book. But this makes it all the more frustrating when one of your clients cancels at the last minute - or worse, doesn’t...
The Best Massage Techniques To Use For Easing Arthritis Symptoms
Massage can be beneficial for almost anyone at relieving tension and stress. But it can also be used as a regular part of managing illness and chronic conditions, including arthritis. There’s evidence that regular massages help to alleviate arthritic pain, allowing...
What Makes a Good Massage Therapist?
What makes a massage therapist stand out? Whether you’re looking to find the perfect massage therapist or you want to become the best massage therapist you can be, you may be interested in what exactly makes a good massage therapist great. Because a massage is an...
What Is Trigger Or Pressure Point Massage Therapy?
If you've ever experienced pain arising from inflammation or some other type of trauma, pressure point massage could be a massage therapy to consider trying. This type of massage therapy is designed to treat pain through trigger points. Before you speak to your...
The Difference Between Relaxation and Injury Treatment Massages
Whether you've got a pain in the neck, a sports injury, or are simply looking for a way to relax, you may be considering how a massage could help. Understanding the difference between relaxation and injury-treating massages allows you to make the right choice of...
7 Common Injuries Massage Therapy Can Help With
Whether you lead an active or sedentary lifestyle, you may experience many different types of injuries. Massage therapy could help you heal faster by improving circulation, breaking down scar tissue, and lengthening the tissues as they heal. Here are some of the most...
Spinal Torsion and How To Treat It With Massage Therapy
Lack of flexibility, back pain, tension and bad posture? You may be suffering from spinal torsion. Torsion is a technical term which simply refers to the pressure applied to something when it’s twisted. However, while a spine is typically very flexible, continued...
Incorporating Massage Into Your Health and Wellness Routine
We have great news for all those who needed another excuse to get a massage: massage therapy is a great way to improve your mental and physical health. And while you needn’t wait for a new year to roll around before committing to improving your health, now is a great...